Harmony's Singing Angels Photos

Tribute Poem
Tribute Poem
Edie Smith
Edie Smith

ScotianAires Chorus 1998 - 2023

Sadly the ScotianAires and Area 1 lost another Harmony sister, Edythe (Edie) Smith on August 4, 2023.

Edie joined Harmony, Inc. in 1998, sang with Bluenose Tradition, Citadel Chimes then the ScotianAires. She was a great bass singer who loved to laugh and share more than a joke or two. We were all so privileged to have known and loved Edie. She was a beautiful person and a treasured friend to many who will miss her daily.
Judith Milne
Judith Milne

Judith Milne

Valley Voices 1989 - 2022

A sudden loss of a beautiful person.

Judy's commitment to barbershop and her love for the Harmony Inc. community could never be questioned. Over the years, she has become an integral member of the Area 1 family, having sung with Valley Voices, the ScotianAires, Seaside A Cappella, various quartets, always quick to volunteer, and on and on goes the list of her contributions. There is little doubt for me that Judy has left an indelible mark in all of our hearts and I am grateful that I was able to sing with her during our Summer Sing. Judy was so excited about the new journey that we now find our chorus embracing and was wanting to be a part of it and loved hearing the news and gossip of all of our antics.

She will be missed terribly by all who knew her.

Nancy Kirkpatrick
Nancy Kirkpatrick

Sea Belles Inc. of Harmony, Inc. 1988 - 2022

Nancy joined Sea Belles Chapter of Harmony, Inc. in 1988 after retiring from her nursing career. She settled right into the Lead section & never missed a rehearsal or performance.

Nancy was our Social Chairperson for many years & always organized lunches for any occasion, especially our Annual Fashion Show. She served on the Telephone Committee many times & always kept in touch with former members on a regular basis..

She was always the first one to greet any prospective member & make them feel welcome. Her sence of humour and awesome fudge and shortbread cookes were among the best remembrances of her time with us.

Nancy also received Barbershopper of the Year Award twice.

She will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to know her.
Margaret Purdy
Margaret Purdy

Sea Belles of Harmony, Inc. 1973 - 2021

When Marg, a nurse and single parent, joined Sea Belles she quickly became an avid member of the bass section with her beautiful timber tone. She was an active member of the chorus, serving as VP and on various committees.

Marg has a great imagination. She served on show committees, wrote scripts for many shows and came up with great ideas for stage settings and costumes.
She was also and wonderful quartet member and sang and competed with 3 different quartets during her time with the chorus. In addition, she served as a wonderful 5th ear for Nova Quattro and they relied on her expertise to guide them when getting ready for competitions.
Her sense of humour was paramount with all those who knew her, along with her beautiful flower gardens.

For her Celebration of Life, she asked another associate, Rev Bev Daley, to officiate and picked out the music for Sea Belles to sing.

A wonderful celebration of her life and she will be sorely missed by all who knew her.
Ayesha Fiech
Ayesha Fiech

Newfound Sound 2019 - 2021

Although Ayesha was only a member of Newfound Sound chorus for a short time, she was an enthusiastic member and loved singing bass. Her beautiful voice will certainly be missed!
Chris Townsend
Chris Townsend

Codiac Chords - 1978-2020

Chris Townsend was a charter member of the Codiac Chords and was a very fine musician, she played piano, fiddle and also loved to sing. Chris had a very witty sense of humour, was quick to hug, always chipped in when needed and served on various committees in the chorus. She was a great lady of high integrity and always spoke honestly and fairly of everyone! She will be well remembered and very sadly missed! Chris would have been 99 years old this year!
Maureen Henley
Maureen Henley

ScotianAires - 1996-2020

Maureen officially joined the ScotianAires chorus singing lead in April 1996. Her love of music and the ScotianAires was evident in her beautiful smile and the joy that she radiated. No wonder that Maureen was a front row staple for the chorus because that joy was contagious! Her sparkling personality, appropriately accented by the “bling” she loved to wear when performing will always be remembered. But Maureen was also active behind the scenes. She was the first one to approach you and quietly give you a word of encouragement or praise, and she volunteered many hours off the risers including serving as one of our stellar chapter presidents from 2007 to 2008. Her closest friends describe her as kind, dependable, classy, stylish, and above all, fun! If you had the privilege of traveling with her to a rehearsal or a performance, or rooming with her at a competition then you are certain to have made some special memories and she was often the last to say goodnight at our “lounge parties” and chorus celebrations. Maureen has had a meaningful and lasting impact on our chorus and our members. As much as we miss her, it is impossible to think of her without smiling, just as Maureen would want it!
Carolyn Pettipas
Carolyn Pettipas

Bluenose Belles, Citadel Chimes, ScotianAires 1987 – 2020

Although some records had dated Carolyn with Harmony, Incorporated (HI) from the year 2000, we
know she was singing barbershop long before that date. Originally with the Bluenose Belles, which
began as a Sweet Adelines chorus, Carolyn spent some time with the ScotianAires before leaving the
area, and then joined the Citadel Chimes in the year 2000 when she returned. Eventually the
ScotianAires became the only HI chapter in the Halifax/Dartmouth area and Carolyn was a longtime
member of the bass section.

Whatever part of Nova Scotia she landed in for home and career, co-workers, friends in the church and
the community, and especially her family, all experienced Carolyn's love and positivity. Carolyn
cherished singing with the chorus and her beautiful smile was sure to improve your day when you joined

her at rehearsal. She had a great sense of fun and if you were lucky enough to travel with her to a
performance, or even better, room with her at a competition, there would be plenty of laughter!
A loyal friend, Carolyn always supported her chorus members in the many small ways that count so
much. She reached out, she welcomed, she provided a listening ear and she offered that encouraging
comment, praise or consolation exactly when you needed it!
Joan B. Clark
Joan B. Clark

Joan B. Clark

Sea Belles of Harmony, Inc. 2001 – 2018

It is with heavy hearts that yet another Sea Belle has left us to join her harmony sisters to sing in the heavenly choir.

Joan was most known for her beautiful lead voice and her quite wit and was proud to be the oldest Sea Belle while she was a member of the chorus.

She was a lady of many talents, including her art work, and community service. She also loved to travel and joined Sea Belles in all their trips to IC&C. She was aso a great sports fan and especially loved her Blue Jays. Last but not least, she cherished her family.

She will be miss by all her Sea Belles sisters but memories of her will always be with them.
Ann Connolly
Ann Connolly

Sea Belles, Inc. 2008-2020

Ann Carson Connolly gave her all to all of her passions. The Sea Belles were one of the fortunate ones to benefit from Ann's devotion to her causes. Her fullness of life and her drive were inspirations to us all.

Ann loved to sing in the Sea Belles and her Quartet - Just 4 Fun, She promoted the chorus as she advanced the art of Public Relations to a new level for us. She used her organizational skills to lead us in many fundraising activities and in our strategic planning.

We have learned much from her leadership and energy. Ann will be missed by all those who knew and loved her and especially by her very own Sea Belles. Her legacy will live on in all we do.
Joanne (Ryan) Stewart
Joanne (Ryan) Stewart

ScotianAires 2012-2017

Fast and lasting friendships were made the day Joanne joined the ScotianAires. She had a smile that would light up any room and loved to spend time with her Harmony sisters.

Joanne jumped into chorus life headfirst and quickly volunteered on committees such as Social and Strategic Planning, as well as becoming our Costume Chair. We all love the black and turquoise competition outfits and especially the beautiful turquoise accessory she skillfully designed and taught many of us to make. Her creativity was also evident at a many of our Area 1 fun nights where you would find her dressed as a Barbershop Pole, a Red-Hot Mamma and most recently Ursula from The Little Mermaid!

Joanne was diagnosed with ALS in November of 2017 and had to leave the chorus for health reasons. In the early stages she would often say, “I'm not dying of ALS, I'm living with ALS”. Her cup was always half full as she faced this monster head on. Joanne fought long and hard and never complained. Even after losing her mobility and the ability to speak, she was still a bright shining light, and an inspiration to everyone who knew her.

Ruth Magill
Ruth Magill

Newfound Sound 1985 - 2015

Even if you didn't have an opportunity to know Ruth, you will enjoy and appreciate her love of singing, friendship, and the Harmony organization. She held many board positions over the years. She is probably most known for her role as newsletter editor, chorus photographer, and historian. She received the Area 1 Award for best chapter editor in 2006. She put countless time and exceptional creativity into making chorus scrapbooks and won numerous awards for those. They were donated to the MUN Archives in 2009. She dearly loved to be on contest stage for AC&C and IC&C. She never turned down a chance to play a character in any skit or on a concert. She even wrote a song for Newfound Sound and had it arranged in barbershop harmony for the chorus to sing. Ruth was surely the essence of our Harmony Creed...especially the part about Singing Keeps Us Young! That was certainly true for Ruth. May she rest in peace and take her place on the risers with her harmony sisters in heaven...front row, of course! All our love to you Ruth!
Darlene MacPherson
Darlene MacPherson

Elm City Echoes 1994 - 2014

Have you ever met someone who you just instantly liked and knew that they would be a trusted friend and have a very special impact on your life?

Darlene MacPherson joined Elm City Echoes in 1994. She sang bass in the chorus and in a quartet - Yours Truly - and an octet - The 8th Notes. She loved picnics, Christmas, regular practice on Monday nights followed by coffee at Tim's with friends. Darlene loved life and all it had to offer. Her faith was the rock on which she stood and the kindness that she showed to all made that faith evident to all her knew her. Darlene spoke often of her family and how important they were to her. Her presence in our lives will live on forever and we are eternally grateful for the blessing of sharing precious ties with her.
Elaine Sparkes
Elaine Sparkes

Newfound Sound 1994 - 2014

Elaine Sparkes joined Harmony, Inc. March 25, 1991 as a member of Newfound Sound, singing baritone and then moving to bass. She shared her love of singing and barbershop harmony with her twin sister, Bernice. And those two loved to shop too!! She had a fulfilling nursing career and loved spending time with her family and in her garden. She was kind hearted, a mentor, confidante, and had a real love of life and all its blessings and challenges. As she would often say "Onward and Upward"! Elaine passed away in March 2014 - we miss you dearly - Love and Harmony Hugs from Newfound Sound.
Pat Notman
Pat Notman

Abegweit Chimes (Island A Cappella) 2010 - 2013

Pat Notman joined the Abegweit Chimes in 2010 at the urging of her daughter who also sings with the Chimes, Pat had held off joining for a few years as she didn't want to "crash" Penny's party. This was typical of Pat. Her love for others, especially her children and grandchildren we more important than anything else. Once he did join the Chimes, she love it and was an excellent chorus member. She switched to bass after starting as a lead, then becoming a member of the Board, and also of the Area 1 Team, where she was the web mistress. She and Penny sand in a quartet, where they had lots of fun. Pat's background in business and entrepreneurial activities carried over to her 3 children, the Abegweit Chimes, and Area 1, and we all benefited from her many skills. At the end of her life, she said she had "no regrets". She was a strong hardworking, and creative woman who believed you could do anything you set out to do, if you wanted to badly enough. We will miss her friendship, her positive outlook and her many talents,
Joan Hall
Joan Hall

Valley Voices 2009 - 2013

Joan Hall, a dear member of Valley Voices, passed away April 17, 2013 following a battle with cancer. Joan joined Harmony, Inc. as a member of the bass section in the spring of 2009. Her dry sense of humour brought pleasure to everyone. She was a friend to many in the chorus for many years prior to joining as her husband, Fred, was a member of the Dukes of Kent and both choruses ae very supportive of each other. Joan taught school before her retirement, first in Yarmouth and then Bridgetown where she resided. She was a CGIT leader, church organist and choir director, member and past president of Baptist Women's Fellowship and Atlantic Baptist Women, and in her younger years was a camper and Leader at Y Camp.. It was Joan's wish that her chorus sing at her funeral, which was a wonderful tribute to her,
Pat Davis
Pat Davis

Sea Belles 1987 - 2011

Pat Davis exemplified the core values of Harmony, Inc. in so many areas of her life. She loved her family, her friends and her position as CEO of Saint John YMCA and Sea Belles. Pat also sang with the Pride of Niagara Chorus in Ontario before joining Sea Belles, as well as the Tune Twisters and Chaleur Echoes. We were blessed to know her as a compassionate woman who gladly took on roles of leadership and passionately shared her love of barbershop harmony singing. This passion to tell the world about Harmony, Inc. led her to serve on the International Board. Pat embodied the emotions of the music we sang and her performance any day was a joy to watch. Many of us can still hear her crystal tenor voice singing over us from the back risers, her deeper "Ladies!" voice when she was Sergeant at Arms and her determined tone when she refused to allow cancer to steel her voice. Her determination helped her to succeed in her final "hurrah" when she sang on the 2011 AC&C stage with her cherished chorus and quarte "In Touch" which won the novice award. Pat proved to us all that music can sustain you in the darkest of times and lift you into realms that border on the miraculous. Her example, her love, her joy and her strength will remain in our hearts forever

We miss you Pat!
Dawn Muzzerall
Dawn Muzzerall

Elm City Echoes 2004-2011

When Dawn joined the chorus, she was like a breath of fresh air. She wanted to sing and after a couple of tries in other parts she said "There's got to be a place in this chorus for me!" Then it clicked - bass was her home! She was a faithful hard working member in many areas of chorus life and always came to practice with a smile and ready to sing. Her life was busy with so many other endeavors as well. She took care of her mind and her body by swimming, biking, running marathons, and studying for and completing her law degree. Nothing was to overwhelming for Dawn. She came from a family of 8 and raised 3 of her own, mostly as a single parent. Despite many hardships, she maintained a positive attitude, boundless energy, a love of life, and a gentle spirit that always found the good in others. She was beautiful inside and out. We can all take a page from her book of life - look for the good and find a way to get things done instead of looking at the obstacles. Dawn had a life lived to the fullest but ended all to soon. She will be greatly missed by so many that she touched in her short life.

To you Dawn - with a song in our hearts ...xo
Lorna J Muzzerall
Lorna J Muzzerall

Abegweit Chimes (Island A Cappella) 2003-2010

"Because I can" ....This was the way "Muzzie" lived her life and how we will remember her........doing for others. Lorna became a member of Harmony, Inc. and the Abegweit Chimes in 2003 and was truly a "sister in harmony". She lived the Harmony Creed in all areas of her life, being a devoted daughter and sister, a caring nurse with Addiction Services, and a treasured friend to many. And what a friend she was! Lorna always made sure we were always treated to candy at rehearsals. She made and presented chorus members with beautiful pins signifying the number of years each of us had been singing barbershop harmony. That was just the way she was - she thought everyone should be recognized, no matter how long they had been with Harmony, Inc. While in palliative care just weeks before her death, she enlisted the help of her sister to decorate "Calendar Girls" visors for us, which were proudly sported at AC&C 2010. But, her greatest gift was the way she was truly present to others. She treated everyone with dignity and affection, and we will always remember her radiant smile. Lorna was a member of the Lead Section and served on the Chapter Board as Member at Large, Treasurer and Historian. She passed away on July 4th, 2010 after a courageous battle with cancer. As per her wishes, we were privileged to sing at her funeral. Lorna was dearly loved and is terribly missed by her sisters in the Abegweit Chimes..
Andrea (Andy) Boone
Andrea (Andy) Boone

Elm City Echoes 2001-2010

Andy's passing leaves a hold which only time will mend! Andy joined the Elm City Echoes in the Fall 0f 2001 with six other new members and soon developed a love of barbershopping. Andy loved a good time and had many good friends in the chorus. She also enjoyed helping out at her church where you would find her in soap suds up to her elbows in the kitchen, at the library where she volunteered for several years, and in the Red Hat group. Andy enjoyed 11 years of retirement, lived every day enjoying live to the fullest. She loved singing, reading and working with children. Andy worked tirelessly as the chair of the Costume Committee. The chorus will be a different place without Andy. She will be missed by all of us.

"Grieve for me ...then brush away the sorrow and the tears.
Life is not over, but begins anew....
Remember with a smile"

Life must go on - a Navaho writing.
Sharon Mills
Sharon Mills

Newfound Sound - 1989 - 2009

Sharon sang for many years with the quartet Avalon Blend and was a current member of the quartet Selkie. She was the chorus liaison, sunshine lady, and newsletter reporter. But she will be remembered for her bright face and beautiful voice. No one else could emote the feeling and colour of the song the way Sharon did. Her voice was a gift she so willingly shared. Sharon Mills will be the heart of Newfound Sound forever!
Ann Hope
Ann Hope

ScotianAires 1998-2008

Ann had a great zest for life. She would come to rehearsals despite her illness and would enjoy the music and company of her fellow singers. Se was known for her love of quilting as well as her talents as a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, cook, hostess, bridge player and bowler. She is here with us now somewhere enjoying the music with a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. We love you, Ann
Jo Anne Meadows
Jo Anne Meadows

Elm City Echoes 2001-2008

JoAnne was an avid reader, enjoyed cross-stitching, making crafts, and playing bridge. She sang bass with the Elm City Echoes as well as well as in a group called the "J" Birds. She loved getting to know all she met. She was a true people person and could make friends very easily. She is remembered for her kind,, compassionate, generous, funny and loving spirit.
Linda Harb
Linda Harb

The Mel-O-Dees 2000-2007

Linda loved singing bass with the chorus and took part in all chorus events. She particularly enjoyed taking part in "Fun Night" and the trip to Jacksonville, Florida. She belonged to the "Attic Painters" of Truro and was a gifted artist. She was a member of the Dragon Boat team and the Volkswagon Club,. We will remember her especially at the Relay for Life.
Pat Calder
Pat Calder

Cobequit Fun Tones 1993-2009

Our dear Pat, along with her 2 sisters Linda and Marlene, sang lead with the Fun-Tones for many years.

Pat passed away the day before Christmas 2022.  Health issues caused her to step away from singing early but she was always in the audience cheering us on.
Kay Deveaux
Kay Deveaux

Cobequid Fun Tones 1985 - xxxx

With Kay's daughter Joyce and a few others ,in 1981 these ladies met with the idea to start a ladies' barbershop,
chorus. The Cobequid Fun-Tones became a reality and chartered in 1985 with Kay singing in the lead section. 

Kay sang with the Fun-Tones and later with the Border Belles in Amherst.  Her daughters Joyce and Pauline both sang with the Fun-Tones and later with the Border Belles and Pauline with the ScotianAires—a talented family!
Diane Jackson 1979-2023
Diane Jackson 1979-2023

Valley Voices
Ruth Smith
Ruth Smith

Cobequit Fun Tones 1985 - xxxx

Ruth was a long time baritone with the Cobequid Fun-Tones who passed away in February 2023 at the age of 100 years!

A quiet, reserved, musical lady but she loved our fun nights!!
Libby Rowe
Libby Rowe

Island A Cappella 1981 -20xx - Charter Member

Libby Rowe was a founding member of Abegweit Chimes (now Island A Cappella) and its first President. Libby shared her love of music and love of life with members and friends. Always concerned that people were enjoying themselves, her favourite saying was, "Are we having fun yet?" Even after her retirement, she continued to support the chorus by attending our performances and gatherings. Libby passed away on August 11, 2022 and is missed by all who knew her.
Cheryl Claudine (Gardiner) Quirk
Cheryl Claudine (Gardiner) Quirk

Breton Songbirds 2018 - 2023 - Charter Member

It was very shocking for Breton Songbirds Chorus to learn that Charter member Cheryl Claudine (Gardiner) Quirk had passed in her sleep less than thirty-six hours after our February 20th 2023 performance at the Cove Guest Home in Sydney.

Single for most of her life, Cheryl was married in October, 2022 to Gerard Quirk.

Cheryl, who sang Lead, was a reliable member of the Breton Songbirds Chorus who did not let her health challenges deprive her of her love of singing. She is missed.

Helen Wilson
Helen Wilson

Newfound Sound 2003 - 2020

Helen passed away suddenly ,but peacefully on September 4th, 2024 at the age of 85 years. She was predeceased by her loving husband of 60 years, Alfred P. (Fred) Wilson. Helen loved her children and grandchildren. She also loved barbershop singing, along with her husband, Fred. Helen was a long time cherished member of Newfound Sound chorus and a seasonal member of Sweet Adelines chorus. Helen loved to share her passion for a cappella singing with others and she was very proud to be a member of Newfound Sound. She will be dearly missed and Newfound Sound chorus was very happy to sing for Helen and her friends at her retirement home in 2023. Sing with the angels, Helen!
Theresa Giddings
Theresa Giddings

Sea Belles 1992 - 2021

Theresa passed away peacefully this week and will be missed by all who knew her. She was known for her wonderful smile and attitude, along with her expertise in dance, owning her own dance studio for many years, She will now be joined with her beloved sister Joan and other harmony sisters who have gone before her..
Bessie Selby
Bessie Selby

Sea Belles 1969-2005 - CHARTER MEMBER

Bessie was one of the original founding members of Sea Belles and member of Harmony, Inc. for 35 years. Everywhere she went she could be heard praising Sea Belles and the barbershop hobby. wherever Bessie was, there was singing, laughter and lots of love. Until we meet again and sing one more song.
Barb O'Brien
Barb O'Brien

Sea Belles 1996-2002

Barb always helped out at fundraiser the best she could and aside from her love of singing, she loved spending time with her grandchildren and playing bingo. She is sadly missed by all.
Sandra Ells
Sandra Ells
Pauline Morehouse
Pauline Morehouse

ScotianAires - 1983 - 2024

Pauline was a key charter member of the ScotianAires and in fact, was the one who came up with the name for our chorus. She was on the risers with us right up until last fall when she was no longer able to join us.
We were honoured to sing at her Celebration of Life today at the Bedford United Church. She was loved by many and it showed! Rest in peace Pauline after a wonderful and well-lived and loved life ???
"Because [we] knew you, [we] have been changed for good".
Joanne Green
Joanne Green

ScotianAires 2018 - 2024

Joanne Green joined Seaside A Cappella in 2018 and secured her spot in the front row which was no surprise to anyone - both her smile and her presence shone when she stepped into place with her fellow singers.

Her personality was one of warmth and friendliness and our chorus quickly embraced the Joanne we knew and loved . She began singing Lead but later joined her ‘Bass Buddies' where she was most at home. Joanne took great pride in performing with SAC whether it was in our Annual Chorus Show, in Halifax when we sang at Province House for our Premiere his cabinet and guests, or on the contest stage at ACC and ICC.

In addition to her musical contribution, Joanne served a term as our chorus President helping to foster our growth and make our presence known locally.

Joanne was taken from us much too soon - our collective hearts are heavy with this loss and we miss both her bubbly presence and her lovely voice today .

It is our chorus custom to assure a member who leaves us, that she will be welcomed back should she decide to return in future. In Joanne's case, her place on our risers AND her presence in our hearts will always be secure.

Joanne - Rest in Peace, dear friend .